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the word used to describe a thing that is the same as something else in all respects. IDEM SONANS idem sonans (I-dem soh-nanz), adj. An infringement of intellectual rights is no less vicious and condemnable as theft of material property, whether personal or real. F 2012-1-17 The names "Yougn" and "Young" held to be idem sonans. 3. Intoxicating Liquors Sufficiency of Description Where Street Names Are Idem Sonans. Where the name of the street given and the correct name of the street upon which the premises are situated are idem sonans, there being no street of the name described, a description with the proper number 2014-12-29 · Idem sonans amounts to criminal conversion (contract made without your consent and lacking full disclosure) that is willful, malicious and deceptive trade practice.

Het vermoeden ligt in de gelijkenis tussen de fonologie, of geluiden van de juiste naam en de naam zoals geschreven. Idem szonánok - Idem sonans A Wikipedia-ból, az ingyenes enciklopédia Az idem szonánok olyan jogi doktrína, amely szerint az ember személyazonosságának a nevét a helyesírás ellenére vélelmezni kell. IDEM SONANS Sounding the same.

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Idem sonans explained. IDEM SONANS.

Idem sonans

Stockholm Studies in History of Literature 54 - DiVA portal

I hold that it does not. . .

Idem sonans

A term applied to names which are substantially the same, though slightly varied in the spelling, as”Lawrence” and “Lawronce,” and the […] IDENTICAL. the word used to describe a thing that is the same as something else in all respects. IDEM SONANS idem sonans (I-dem soh-nanz), adj. An infringement of intellectual rights is no less vicious and condemnable as theft of material property, whether personal or real. F 2012-1-17 The names "Yougn" and "Young" held to be idem sonans.
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The names "Yougn" and "Young" held to be idem sonans. 3. Intoxicating Liquors Sufficiency of Description Where IDEM SONANS.

R. 142; Coonrad for Conrad, 8 Miss. R “The doctrine of idem sonans is that though a person's name has been inaccurately written, the identity of such person will be presumed from the similarity of sounds between the correct pronunciation and the pronunciation as written.
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The fact that two trademarks are idem sonans may be used to establish the likelihood of confusion on the part of consumers in an infringement case.

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Latin idem (“ the same ”) + Latin sonāns (“ sounding ”). idem sonans (not comparable) (law, of a name) wrongly spelled, but sufficiently correct to identify  Nov 13, 2018 In name "Nanie" idem sonans rule, a name or surname incorrectly written which if read, has a sound similar to the name or surname of a  5, Iliados Lib. I. 202 - 303 : Slavice et graece idem sonans et significans, adjecta nova versione latina et commentario graeco-slavico. Ilias. München, Bayerische​  Käytämme evästeitä ja muita seurantateknologioita parantaaksemme käyttäjäkokemusta verkkosivustollamme, näyttääksemme sinulle personoituja sisältöjä ja  inanimate - the living and the dead - things real and personal - in civil and criminal practice - mistaken identity, corpus delicti - idem sonans - opinion evidence. Hypothesis (drama), Idem sonans, Intentionally blank page, Living document, Makkah Document, Manuscript format, Material safety data sheet, Memorandum,​  Inclusive of any and all abbreviations, idem sonans, or other legal, financial or managerial forms, any and all international equivalents, inclusive of any and all  samme Klang som er idem sonans med ) det som i Indiftmentet er anført , og blot er forskjelligt i Stabning , betragtes Forskjellen som uvæsentlig og tillægges  spektrum, och kontinuum, också uppfattas som ett flertal givna identifierare, alias, förkortningar och idem sonans, inklusive av Mänsklig, Planetarisk, Galaktisk,  Inclusive of any and all abbreviations, idem sonans, or other legal, financial or managerial forms, any and all international equivalents, inclusive of any and all  spektrum, och kontinuum, också uppfattas som ett flertal givna identifierare, alias, förkortningar och idem sonans, inklusive av.

IDEM SONANS. Sounding the same. 2.