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Material and methods MEDLINE, PsycInfo, AJOL, BASE, Cochrane Library, Directory of Open Access Journals (Lund University), CINAHL, and Embase Databases contain a range of resources such as journal articles, books and videos. Don’t know which database to use? Try the refining options below or get suggestions from our library guides. Cinahl och PsycINFO och utifrån dessa sökningar inkluderades 15 artiklar publicerade 2007– 2019. Kvalitetsgranskningen gjordes utifrån Sophiahemmet högskolas bedömningsunderlag och artiklarna analyserades med integrerad analys. Resultatet visade att kommunikation om prognos, sjukdomsförlopp och vård vid livet slut Actual and perceived social isolation are both associated with increased risk for early mortality.
Right now, the journal is included in this databases and index: PSYCINFO, DOAJ - Lund University - Sweden; ULRICH's Periodicals Directory - USA The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) is maintained by Lund University in Business Source Premier, Medline, Sport Discus, PsycINFO and Cinahl. 11 Mar 2021 PsycINFO is the core database in Psychology, and should be the first one to search. PsycINFO. ScienceDirect and PubMed focus more on the Alternative Name(s) & Keywords: APA PsycInfo. Index to literature in psychology, and related fields, such as psychiatry, sociology, anthropology, education, Lund University Libraries (1), McGraw-Hill Education (1), National Library of Medicine (2), NewsBank (1), OCLC PsycINFO This link opens in a new window . This database covers the anthropological literature (articles, reports, commentaries) from the 19th century to the present. APA PsycInfo.
Receptive language (to act based on an auditory stimulus) is an important and necessary foundational skill for children with autism.
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This scoping review sought to describe the range and nature of peer-reviewed literature on patient experience studies conducted within the Adam Matthew publishes unique primary source collections from archives around the world. AM Explorer provides a single point of access to hundreds of thousands of digital primary sources in the form of letters, diaries, rare books, newspapers, periodicals, maps, artworks, films, oral histories, government records, and much more. MEDLINE-(via PubMed), CINAHL, PsycINFO and ISI Web of Science databases were searched. Inclusion criteria: (1) randomized controlled trials; (2) published in English-language, peer-reviewed journals between 1990 and 2012; (3) evaluated strategies to improve quality of care for PwD cared at home; and (4) participants older than 65.
Kurslitteratur - Linköpings universitet
Wildgaard, Lorna Elizabeth; Lund, Haakon. 2016-01-01. the efficiency of biomedical literature searches. PubMed remains the primary resource for biomedical 9 May 2019 Janne Lund; Anders J.W. Andersen; Siri H. Haugland according to predefined inclusion criteria were identified from Medline, PsycINFO, Øyvind Lund Martinsen.
This systematic review aimed to evaluate the reporting of neonatal pain scales in rando …
Lund University Libraries. Swedish website. Listen. Search Find LUBsearch LUBcat LIBRIS Catalogue -1957 Lubito Research Portal LUP Student Papers LibGuides Reference management programs Urkund Services & support Loans Interlibrary loans Copying, printing and
Introduction. While mental health problems are increasingly recognized as a global health priority, debate continues over the relevance of cultural variation for the application of psychiatric diagnoses and treatments (Chisholm et al. Reference Chisholm, Flisher, Lund, Patel, Saxena, Thornicroft and Tomlinson 2007; Collins et al. Reference Collins, Patel, Joestl, March, Insel and Daar 2011
Aim: This paper is a report of an analysis of the concept of patient autonomy Background: Many problems regarding patient autonomy in healthcare contexts derive from the patient's dependent condition as well as the traditional authoritarian position of healthcare professionals.
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Method: This article reviews the literature on violence Psychologists are inadequately represented in the injury control field, despite the size of the problem and the importance of behavioral factors in injury. Using motor vehicle injuries as an example, this article discusses modern injury control principles and the role psychologists can play in injury reduction. Medline ( and PsycINFO ( are the best-known literature search programs on the internet for current medical/psychological research, including massage therapy research. Literature from earlier decades can serve as a source of good ideas for replication studies using more sophisticated methods, but as, typically, current publications feature references from the last decade, literature searches are usually confined to the last decade.
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Lund University students and employees only, login with student The PsycINFO database contains citations and abstracts from a wide range of scholarly
Om databaserna. PsycINFO är den mest använda databasen för att hitta artiklar inom psykologi. Tesaurusen, framtagen av APA, är särskilt
Nu produceras databasen i samarbete mellan Arbetsmiljöhögskolan vid Lunds Universitet, Föreningen för arbetslivsforskning i Sverige och
Lund. Medicinska fakultetens bibliotek.
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Social- och beteendevetenskapliga biblioteket i Lund för deras förståelse, när speciellt en av oss ständigt rörde till det där med fjärrlånen. Ett tack ska även ges till Dr. Canivet som så vänligt och tillmötesgående letade fram statistiska uträkningar från sina studier där hon använt sig av Familjeklimat. The burden of pain in newborn infants has been investigated in numerous studies, but little is known about the appropriateness of the use of pain scales according to the specific type of pain or infant condition. This systematic review aimed to evaluate the reporting of neonatal pain scales in rando … Lund University Libraries.
ningen i pedagogik vid Lunds universitet mynnade ut i doktorsavhandlingen Motorik, koncentrationsförmåga och skolprestationer 2003. Ericsson startade MUGI-projektet (Motorisk Utveckling som Grund för In-lärning) i Lund på 1980-talet och MUGI observationsschema togs fram för att tidigt upptäcka barn i behov av extra motorikstöd.
För att säkerställa att relevant polisforskning fångats in i sökningar- universitet, Lunds universitet, Uppsala universitet, Mittuniversitetet,. November Week 4 2016>, PsycINFO <1806 to November Week 4 2016> 7 (stockholm* or karolinska* or lund or lunds or uppsala or goteborg* or goeteborg* av E Wennberg — Box 157, 221 00 LUND genomfördes i databaserna PubMed, CINAHL och PsycINFO. PubMed Tabell 3: Sökstrategi och datainsamling i PsycINFO. #.