High Rates of Tramadol Use among Treatment-Seeking
Intended for healthcare professionals Zoran Vasiljevic, Agneta Öjehagen & Claes Andersson, 2020, I: Psychology, Crime and Law. 26, 6, s. 614-630 17 s. Forskningsoutput : Tidskriftsbidrag › Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift Long-term risk factors for suicide in suicide attempters examined at a medical emergency in patient unit: results from a 32-year follow-up study Sök forskning och forskare vid Lunds universitet Starka forskningsmiljöer Agneta Öjehagen E-post: agneta [dot] ojehagen [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se. Start Personer Agneta Öjehagen Forskningsoutput. Agneta Öjehagen knuten till universitetet. Centrum för Tekniska och Vetenskapliga Beräkningar vid Lunds Research Portal. Find researchers, research outputs (e.g.
Agneta Öjehagen international experience includes various programs, contributions and participation in different countries for diverse fields of study. Agneta Öjehagen Professor, socionom, leg.psykoterapeut Avdelningen psykiatri Institutionen kliniska vetenskaper – Lund . Upplägg Agneta Öjehagen. Foto: Olle Dahlbäck – Ett ganska tungt lass. De som står närmast den som blivit sjuk blir självklart involverade. Får de inte rätt stöd finns risk att de själva mår sämre och drabbas av psykisk ohälsa, säger Agneta Öjehagen, professor emerita i psykosocial forskning vid Lunds universitet.
Seniorprofessor. agneta.ojehagen@med.lu.se. Katalogadministratör.
SOU 2005:025 Gränslös utmaning – alkoholpolitik i ny tid
Lars Nicklasson, Lund. Ulf Rydberg, Huddinge. Mikko Salaspuro, Helsinki, Finland. Sten Thelander (Project Manager), Stockholm.
PowerPoint-presentation - Svenska Föreningen för Alkohol
show: 50 sort: year (new to old) LUND UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. Svenska. Listen. Search Find Books Digital collections E-resources Images Manuscripts & archives Maps Newspapers Printed Lund University Libraries. Swedish website. Listen. Search Find LUBsearch LUBcat LIBRIS Catalogue -1957 Lubito Research Portal LUP Student Papers Gunilla Cruce*1 and Agneta Öjehagen2 Address: 1 Gunilla Cruce, Doctoral student Department of Clinical Sciences, Lund – Psychiatry and the Vardal Institute, Kioskgatan 19, Lund University Hospital, S- 221 85 Lund, Sweden and 2 Agneta Öjehagen, Professor Department of Clinic al Sciences, Lund – Psyc hiatry, Kioskgatan 19, Martin O. Olsson, 1 Agneta Öjehagen, 1 Louise Brådvik, 1 Robert Kronstrand, 2 , 3 and Anders Håkansson 1 Martin O. Olsson 1 Psychiatry, Department of Clinical Sciences, Lund, Faculty of Medicine, Lund University, 221 00 Lund, Sweden Claes Andersson, Agneta Öjehagen, Martin O Olsson, Louise Brådvik, Anders Håkansson, Interactive Voice Response with Feedback Intervention in Outpatient Treatment of Substance Use Problems in Adolescents and Young Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial, International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 10.1007/s12529-016-9625-0, 24, 5, (789-797 Aim: This study aims to investigate suicide risk factors after attempted suicide and whether and how these risk factors differ between the sexes.
2 Department of Criminology, Malmö University Lund University, Lund, Sweden. PMID: 29511011 PMCID: PMC5855178 DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-019128 Abstract Objectives
Catharina Strid 1 , Mats Hallgren 2 , Yvonne Forsell 2 , Martin Kraepelien 3 , Agneta Öjehagen 4 Affiliations 1 Department of Psychology, Lund University, Lund, Sweden catharina.strid@psy.lu.se. Agneta Öjehagen.
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Lund Pediatric Rheumatology Research Group. Benzodiazepine, z-drug and pregabalin prescriptions and mortality among patients in opioid maintenance treatment – a nation-wide register-based open cohort study. Tove Abrahamsson, Jonas Berge, Agneta Öjehagen & Anders C Håkansson, 2017, In: Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 174, … Agneta Öjehagen professor at Lund University Lund, Kalmar län, Sverige 137 kontakter. Gå med för att skapa kontakt Lund, Sweden Sverige.
Bihandledare: Tobias Elgán. Opponent: Ann-Charlotte Smedler, Stockholms universitet. Betygsnämnd: Agneta Öjehagen, Lunds universitet.
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Inga Kerstin Agneta Öjehagen Lund, 74 år - Merinfo.se
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Lund OsteoArthritis Division - Hip diseases from the cradle to the prosthesis. Lund OsteoArthritis Division - Joint injury research group. Inga Kerstin Agneta Öjehagen bor i ett kedjehus i Norra Fäladen, Lund med telefonnummer 070-317 85 XX. Hon bor tillsammans med Lennart Jan Tommy Öjehagen. Hennes födelsedag är den 17 mars.
Svenska. Listen. Search Find Books Digital collections E-resources Images Manuscripts & archives Maps Newspapers Printed Lund University Libraries. Swedish website. Listen. Search Find LUBsearch LUBcat LIBRIS Catalogue -1957 Lubito Research Portal LUP Student Papers Gunilla Cruce*1 and Agneta Öjehagen2 Address: 1 Gunilla Cruce, Doctoral student Department of Clinical Sciences, Lund – Psychiatry and the Vardal Institute, Kioskgatan 19, Lund University Hospital, S- 221 85 Lund, Sweden and 2 Agneta Öjehagen, Professor Department of Clinic al Sciences, Lund – Psyc hiatry, Kioskgatan 19, Martin O. Olsson, 1 Agneta Öjehagen, 1 Louise Brådvik, 1 Robert Kronstrand, 2 , 3 and Anders Håkansson 1 Martin O. Olsson 1 Psychiatry, Department of Clinical Sciences, Lund, Faculty of Medicine, Lund University, 221 00 Lund, Sweden Claes Andersson, Agneta Öjehagen, Martin O Olsson, Louise Brådvik, Anders Håkansson, Interactive Voice Response with Feedback Intervention in Outpatient Treatment of Substance Use Problems in Adolescents and Young Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial, International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 10.1007/s12529-016-9625-0, 24, 5, (789-797 Aim: This study aims to investigate suicide risk factors after attempted suicide and whether and how these risk factors differ between the sexes. Method: A total of 1052 suicide attempters admitted to the Medical Emergency Inpatient Unit, Lund University Hospital, Sweden were followed up concerning suicide and death from other causes after a median period of 6 years and 5 months.